Anger Management – Yoga Puppy Style

So I was walking through the grocery store and I saw this…

That’s right.  “Yoga Puppies.” Really?  A Yoga Puppies calendar.

This startling discovery led me to an unexpected emotion:  anger.  That’s right, a Yoga Puppies calendar made me angry.  This led me to consider possible reasons why…

  • Puppies don’t do yoga.  They just look like they are doing yoga.
  • Why must I see it?
  • It’s Christmas time and that causes stress, the Yoga Puppies are not to blame.  Yes, they are.
  • People actually pay $7.99 for this calendar.
  • The people who actually pay $7.99 for this calendar.
  • It is NOT a grocery item, but it is for sale in the grocery store.  I thought this was my safe place.
  • Why isn’t it on sale?
  • It is one entire year full of Yoga Puppies.  Too much.  One month would be too much, but this is twelve times too much.
  • Me.  I’m actually to blame.  There’s nothing wrong with puppies who appear to be doing yoga.  Please, just don’t make me look at it.  Ever.  Again.  I am sorry.  That is all.

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