And God said, “Let there be Vegas.”

For whatever reason, this past week, our Preschool Sunday School class had low attendance.  As a result, I was moved up to the Kindergarten class to play the role of teacher’s aide.  Arriving after the lesson, I found the children listening to Sunday School songs and gleefully decorating construction paper hearts in advance of Valentine’s Day.  Recognizing all of the kids as graduates from my Preschool class, I pulled up a chair and began “helping” with the craft.  My “help” consisted mainly of me making small talk and complementing them on their art work.

After a few minutes, I began noticing that most of the children were focusing on drawing, stamping, or gluing as many small hearts as possible onto their primary large construction paper heart.  Considering that it was Super Bowl Sunday, I saw the perfect tie-in.  The opportunity to merge the secular and non-secular, just like the term Super Bowl Sunday implies.  “Hey, kids do you want to guess the over/under for how many hearts are on this big heart?”  After a few minutes, I had the kids guessing pretty accurately.

A little God.  A little pop culture.  What more could you ask for on a Super Sunday?  Well, some chicken wings would have been nice, but that would have been pushing it.

One thought on “And God said, “Let there be Vegas.””

  1. Turns out Kindergartener Ben’s homework today was “Guess the number of doorknobs in your house. Count them. Was your guess too low or too high?” Looks like I was just preparing him for academic success. Score one for the unorthodox Sunday School teacher.

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