A Man, a Phone, and No Clue

Today was Charlene’s first day at her new job. Naturally, I was very excited to get a text from her during the day. Glancing at my phone, I gathered in the important information. Something about how she wanted me and the boys to be social, when she talked to us tonight. No problem. Check. Next, some details about how she was filling out personnel forms. Typical first day stuff. Sounded like all was well.

Seeing the boys arrive home from school, I sat them down and reminded them that today was Mom’s first day at work. Also, she had a special request that we be social, when we talk to her this evening. This would mean no “yes” or “no” answers. They were expected to carry on a conversation. Tell stories about their day. Communicate. Yes, I was asking a lot of them, but it was a request from their mother.

Fast forward to this evening, chatting with Charlene, she asked if I had gathered up the Social Security numbers for the boys. Oh, that type of social, the type that would come in handy when filling out personnel forms. No worries, I would have a chance to track them down, as the boys told her all about their days.


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