The Sticky B

Gleefully typing at work, I noticed a slight “stick.” A bit of something messing with my rhythm.  After a few more words, I found the culprit.  It was the “B” key.  It was sticking.  It was a sticky B.  Or to take maximum rhyming advantage, it was a “Sticky ‘B’ Key.”

I contemplated what to do.  Trooper on with a sticky B key?  Request a new keyboard from work’s Replacement Keyboard Department (one of the smaller departments at work)?  Avoid the letter B in all future correspondence?  “Dave, this is a fine memo, but I notice that it lacks any words containing the letter B.”

Soon my mind however wandered to a larger question, why was it sticking?  Oh, I don’t know.  Maybe the crumb strewn keyboard in the photo below contains a clue.

The Sticky B

Time to stop eating snacks at my desk B-fore another letter falls victim to my bib needing self.  That appears to B the less sticky way to go.


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