For three weeks, the cord for my cell phone kept falling between the cubicle wall and the desktop. For three weeks, every morning I would crawl on my hands and knees to push the cord back up. For three weeks, my bottom would be prominently displayed, as folks headed for their morning coffee. For three weeks, the number of people heading for morning coffee steadily declined. I had to do something.
Then after a few failed attempts (securing with a push pin… fail… anchoring with a bread bag twisty tie… another fail), it struck me. The big binder clip would be the key to success. Victory! Now, no more trips under the desk. No more rump-sticking-outage. “Good news, folks. It’s safe again to get coffee!”
The mouse pad as a “cell phone vibration buffer.” Another workplace innovation score. I could not however figure out how to take a photo of the cell phone plugged in on the mouse pad, since I took the picture with the phone. Humph, perplexing. Finding a solution to that photo dilemma, that shall be my next innovation. Look for it, as you get your next cup of coffee.