White Furry Rump

Oh, he looks so peaceful.  Resting on a chair (Wait, a chair?  A chair designed and built for humans?  Oh, never mind.).  Dreaming dreams of chasing bunnies.

Sleepy Dog Covering His Furry Rump

He could never do wrong.  No deceit in his furry little heart.  Wait a second, what is that on the dining room table?  A tuft of white rump fur overlooking the dining room window.  A tuft a white rump fur where it should not be.  A tuft of white rump fur that most likely belongs to a dog that is shedding with the change of seasons.

White Rump Fur on the Dining Room Table

See how he hides his furry rump while sleeping?  A furry rump that happens to be covered with white tufts of shedding fur.  Oh, his deceitful furry little heart.

Sleepy Dog Covering His Furry Rump


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