“Where in the World are Jacob’s Socks?” – Believe It or Not Edition

Getting ready for this evening’s post, I looked around for my 11-year-old son Jacob’s socks.  They weren’t on his feet.  They weren’t on the dining room table.  They weren’t on, beside, inside, or under the couch.  Growing desperate and fearing that they had been abducted, I looked in the most unlikely place.  The last place I would ever expect to find Jacob’s footwear and there they were…  inside the hamper!  (Collective gasp!)

That’s right, they were inside the hamper!  In a strange way, all is right with the world, but somehow this order seems out of order.  Right, but so wrong.

Sleep well socks.  Welcome to your new home.


“Hamper meet Jacob’s socks.  Jacob’s socks meet the hamper.”


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