“Survival Tips, until Brushing Teeth Returns” – Guest Post by ME

“Hey, Cookie Dave here. In the time honored tradition of Johnny Carson, tonight I have a guest host and since of course this is a blog, I have a guest post.  Now, my guest post is, in her words, a bit ‘interweb shy,’ so for the sake of this post, I’ll call my friend ‘ME.’  No, not ‘me,’ as in Dave, but rather a penname for my friend, ‘ME.’

Just to prove it, here’s a photo of ME.

ME Photo

See, it’s not me, but rather, it’s ME.  Hmmm, still anonymous, but you get the point.

So enjoy, while I sit back, take the night off, and devour the remaining ‘Chocolate Chia Balls of Happiness.’  Also, remind me, as in Dave, to do this more often.

PS – Thank you, ME.  You are always welcome at www.CookiesbyDave.com, your home away from home in the blogosphere.”

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“Survival Tips, until Brushing Teeth Returns” – A Guest Post by ME

The arrival of our third child was like angels singing. Also like getting hit by a truck.

I won’t lie, I was out of commission for some time after she arrived. I’m still taking each day at a time, but the days are going alright.

As with all new challenges, the learning comes gradually. Here are a few things that are helping me get through:

  1. If you can’t go in my dryer, you don’t belong in my life (so I bake in some stains. There is a season for everything)
  2. Writing best happens on top of the washing machine (this is where no one will come looking for me, because they know I’ll make them fold something)
  3. No one will die if the silverware drawer isn’t sorted (we all still manage to eat)
  4. No one will die if they go without underwear for a day (or few)

This is a cookie blog, so this post should have a recipe in it. I considered contributing the following:

  1. Drive to grocery store
  2. Walk to bakery aisle
  3. Pick out your favorite

That is the only kind of baking recipe I’m currently capable of following. But Dave deserves better.  So here’s a recipe I aspire to using.  The day I make these may mark a new stage in my ability to parent three, wife one, sleep, get to work on time, and start brushing my teeth again.

Chocolate Chia Balls of Happiness


(my friend Becca makes these, and they make me very happy)

1 cup Medjool Dates

¾ cup Almonds

¾ cup Walnuts or any other nut

2 Tablespoons Chia Seeds

2 Tablespoons Ground Flax Seed

1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil

1 Tablespoon Hemp Protein Powder (optional)

1 Tablespoon Raw Cacao Powder (or just cocoa, for the ordinary Josephines among us)


Start by placing the almonds, walnuts, ground flax seed and chia seeds in your food processor. Blend for 1 minute, until the flour forms and the nuts have crumbled.

Then add the remaining ingredients, pitting the dates before adding those. Blend for another minute until a sticky dough forms.

Use your hands to roll the mixture into little balls, place in a bowl and store in the fridge.

Bite and enjoy! Just try not to eat them all at once!


Makes about 15 to 20 balls, depending on size

Revised Source: DeliciouslyElla.com


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