Questionable Workplace Google Search of the Day

After I scheduled a meeting in downtown Saint Paul for the morning of March 17, I gave it little thought.  Soon after everything was finalized, I received an email that informed me that oh by the way, the St. Patrick’s Day Parade goes through Saint Paul at noon on the big green day.  Suddenly, I had visions of myself in some strange Ferris Bueller’s Day Off sequel.  “Shake it up, baby, now.  Twist and shout.”

What to do?  What to do?  Well first, check the parade route.  This simple quest for information resulted in (drum roll, please) the “Questionable Workplace Google Search of the Day.”  Such a cool segment should really have a theme song.  Again, insert “Shake it up, baby, now.  Twist and shout.”  Who knew that the parade route link would first splash large photos of people in silly green hats across my screen?  Really, who knew?


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