Of Feral Pigs, Prayer, and Smiles

Let me start out tonight’s post by saying that I don’t like making fun of other people.  Really, in most cases I would much rather make fun of myself or silly circumstances.  As a result, please do not take offense to the following subject matter, since it was observed in a purely innocent light.  There, disclaimer provided.  Here we go…

We once attended a church, where our pastor provided some useful advice.  So say for instance, you see someone else in need or really struggling, but find yourself for whatever reason unable to help, it never hurts to say a prayer for that individual.  Turning troubles over to God.  Never bad advice.

Well, earlier tonight, I found myself in what I believed to be one of those instances.  Approaching an intersection, I saw a man holding a sign.  Anticipating that it was someone down on their luck and in need of help, I started the search for some money.  My wallet was empty and the spare change in the car was paltry.  This dilemma however became pointless, since I was approaching the intersection at such a speed and the light was such that I would not even have a chance to safely stop.  Remembering my former pastor’s advice, I remembered that I could at least say a prayer for the man.

Suddenly, it occurred to me.  The man was on the wrong side of the road for me to stop.  Plus, he was in an awkward location.  Prayer, there was little else I could do.

Getting closer, I looked at his cardboard sign, which much to my surprise did not read, “Please, help,” but instead said, “Beware of Feral Pigs.”  What?  Really, “Beware of Feral Pigs.”  Further befuddled, I was now unsure how to direct my prayer.  Toward the man?  Toward feral pigs?  Toward the victims of feral pigs?  I smiled.

Unaware that there was a feral pig problem so close to home and still confused, I Googled it.  Well, I could not find any references to feral pigs in my area, but apparently it’s a real problem.  There are actual human victims of feral pigs.  Yep, it turns out that these big wild hogs can cause deer like damage to a car.  Hum, I was unaware of that.

So here’s the take away…  It never hurts to pray.  It’s okay to smile.  Feral pigs are an actual problem.  Who knew?


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