Lunch Hanging in the Balance

I had one goal in mind: get lunch quickly.  Well, that plus eat sort of healthy.  Okay and a third goal of having a positive interaction with the vending machine.  There, those were my goals.

Approaching the vending machine, I set my eyes upon the bag of popcorn.  I plunked in my change.  The gears whirled.  The popcorn was released.  Lunch fell.  Then, it got stuck.  My lunch sitting on a purgatorial perch between display and satisfaction.  I was sad.  The popcorn did not seem bothered.

Kind of like how my dog sits on the back of our couch on the porch.  We are sad to see him acting like a cat.  He does not seem bothered.

Mountain Goat Dog

Where was I?  Oh yes, the popcorn.  There it sat.  Hanging in the balance and here is an actual photo of the event.  I know.  It’s troublesome.

Vending Machine Fail

I had to think quickly.  I could hear the footsteps of fellow workers coming for their snacks.  I tried to wiggle the machine.  Nothing happened.  I looked above to the peanut butter crackers.  Perhaps if they fell onto the popcorn, they would be free.  I plunked in more change.  The crackers brushed by the popcorn.  No luck.  No joy.

I was out of change and my options were dwindling.  I found a five dollar bill in my pocket.  My hands trembled, as I cashed it in.  The people waiting behind grew hungry.

I entered my new set of change and spied the brick-like Rice Krispy treat off to the side of the popcorn.  It had the girth, but would it have the trajectory?  Lunch was hanging in the balance.  Coworkers behind me looked weak.

Entering the corresponding letter and then number, the machine whirled.  The Krispy Treat was pushed to the front and the world smiled, as the popcorn was released.  Then, the blessings began to abundantly flow, as a second popcorn inexplicably fell from its perch.  It was raining prepackaged goodies.  I was indeed blessed.  Blessed in a highly processed and artificially colored way, but blessings are blessings and my lunchtime cornucopia was full.

Yummy Lunch

The Vending Machine Lunch

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