Knock the Cold Right Out of Ya

Here in Minnesota, it has been cold, as of late. Crazy low wind chills.  Temps so cold that I can feel the inside of my nose freezing and that means a lot of real estate with a sizable schnoz like mine.  Yes, very cold.  Last week, the radio announcer was recapping the coming week’s weather and he said, “It’s 22 degrees now.  It’s really nice out there.”  Nice?  When my blood can freeze?  Well, I guess that’s a frozen glass half full kind of guy.

With Charlene having the day off for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, I figured I would be sweet and venture outside to get her a newspaper. Getting into the car, the thermometer read -10 degrees, the radio said that the wind chill was -34, mercy it was cold.  With a quick spin around the store, I picked up a few papers and some more firewood (survival mindset) and headed as quick as possible headed back to the car.  Opened the truck, tossed the firewood in back.  Opened the driver’s side door, headed into the car sideways and BAM!  In an out-of-body way, I could see stars and little blue birds circling my head.  In my haste and with a well-covered head, I had inexplicably slammed my noggin into the roof of the car.  Somehow I don’t think that the movie “Concussion” covered this scenario.  On the bright side, there’s nothing like a blow to the head to clear your mind and be less concerned about the cold interior of your nose.


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