Junior Detective

This morning, I woke up to a desperate plea from my 8-year-old son Sam, “I cannot find my Encyclopedia Brown book.”  As a point of clarification, I have never read an Encyclopedia Brown book, but I have seen them around the house and in the library, so I feel qualified to speak about them.  That being said, I put my fine-tuned detective skills to work.  “Where did you last see the book?”  “Jacob (Sam’s older brother) was reading it in the basement.”  “Well, why don’t you look in the basement?”  What do you know?  The book was in the basement.  Case closed or should I say, “The Case of the Brotherly Borrowed Book” was closed?

These detective skills later came in handy at work.  A signed document was sent via interoffice mail.  The document was nowhere to be found.  Entering the mailroom, I looked at my empty mail slot and wondered, “Could it have been misplaced?  Perhaps, accidently placed in the wrong mail slot.”  Bordering on some type of interoffice mail privacy breach, I bravely opened the envelope in the mail slot below mine.  A mail slot belonging to another man, who is also named Dave.  Sure enough, the document had accidently been placed in the other Dave’s mail slot.  “The Case of the Dual Dave” was solved.  I was on fire!

Now onto life’s other mysteries, such as “The Case of the ‘Really?  Was that the best you could come up with for today’s blog post?’” was still unsolved, although I suspect that the alternate post, “The Case of ‘Why when I accidently drop two different peanuts on the office carpet do they both end up in the same spot on the floor by the power strip?’” did not hold much more promise.


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