I Am the Internet, Hear Me Roar

Earlier this evening, my 9-year-old son Sam asked me the following question, “If you had a website, what would you call it?”

Smirking, I answered, “CookiesbyDave.com.”

Sam’s response, “No, I mean a real website.  Not a Facebook thing.”

Ouch!  I’ll have you know that even though I only have four or five actual readers (hey and I love each and every one of you), you don’t need actual views to qualify as a “Fancy Pants Real Website.”  Indeed this begs the question, if a website is active and no one reads it, is it really a website?  Well, I am here to proudly say that yes it is still a real website.  I am a proud owner of my own little chunk of the World Wide Web.  How do I know?  I read it on the Internet.


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