Hot Mug Hesitation


For Christmas, my third grader’s class made ceramic tiles as presents for their parents.  As a result, Charlene and I received some cute decorative tiles under the tree.  Of the three tiles, two had holiday themed decorations and the third showed a charming little picture of our son Sam.

While cleaning up the Christmas goodies, I packed up the two Christmas themed tiles, but left out the other one.  So there is Sam’s face smiling up at me from the side table.  Nice, but the function perplexes me.  Is it a coaster?  I think so.  Is it a decoration?  Certainly.  Am I overthinking it?  Duh, yes.

Heading over to sit down with my cup of morning coffee, I was faced with a dilemma.  Do I see if it really is a coaster?  Do I dare set down a piping hot cup of coffee on it?  Even worse, do I set a burning hot beverage on my son’s head?  Even if it is just the image of my son’s head?  Speaking of…  It’s all in my head!  The whole dilemma is just in my head!  Snap out of it self-perceived bad daddy.  Live life, use the coaster.

Hot Mug Hesitation

Simulated hesitation, while placing a hot beverage on an image of my beloved child.

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