Dave’s Thank God, No Context, Special

No Context Special

10) Let me start out by saying, thank God that Charlene and Jacob are fine.

9) Also, thank God that Charlene did nothing, let me repeat, nothing wrong.

8) Let me continue by saying that, thank God we can afford quality auto insurance.

7) Thank God that Ford makes safe cars.  #Proof

6) The old Found On Road Dead (FORD) is supposed to be a slam, but you know what?  It was found on the road dead, because it sacrificed itself.  #ILoveMyFord

5) As I looked at all of the accident debris, I saw the Ford logo resting on the ground and thought, “Yep, ‘Built Ford tough.’”  #JobWellDone #GoodbyeMyFriend

4) We are not guaranteed tomorrow.  Love today.  Live today.  #Amen

3) Wine is a nice finish for a day such as today.  #TheTruth

2) Our beloved Taurus lived a long life.  At 14 years, it lived in three states.  Drove across half the country.  Drove a chunk of Route 66.  Saw 3 beloved boys grow up in its backseat.  #ItsAWonderfulLife

1) Sometimes accidents are just accidents.  Pure and simple.  You never know.  Thank God for today.  It’s a gift.  Enjoy it.  Embrace it.  Kiss someone you love.  You are blessed, indeed.


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