Dad’s Life Lesson: How to be a Good Wingman

Yesterday, our church had a fun Sunday School activity designed to introduce kids to older congregants. Sort of an intergenerational mixer. Well, as my sons (6-year-old Ben and 8-year-old Sam) headed off to meet folks, I gave them a bit of advice (credit to the television show “How I Met Your Mother” as the source, but somehow I believe the advice is archetypal and hardwired into each of us at birth). I used Sam as an example to start, “The easiest way to meet new people is to walk up together and Sam, you would say to the new person, ‘Have you met Ben?’ Direct the person’s attention to your brother and then leave. Later, Ben you do the same thing for Sam.” Ah, the seeds of a timeless icebreaker planted. Kids, go off into the world, meet new people, multiply, and prosper.

Observing me giving this advice to my kids, a friend noted that I had just taught them how to pick up women. Yes indeed, but more importantly, I taught them how to be a good Wingman. Priceless.

Wingmen at Church

Ben and wingman Sam (middle) practicing the game “Have you met Ben?” with our friend Mary Lou Arne at church coffee hour. Note, while refining your wingman techniques, if never hurts to be in a safe environment among friends and free coffee.

[Side note: I absolutely love this picture. Mary Lou is such a great friend and see her smile reflected in young Ben is truly priceless.]


2 thoughts on “Dad’s Life Lesson: How to be a Good Wingman”

  1. I was standing right beside Mary Lou when she signed the paper. Ben was munching on a chocolate cookie. I asked him if the cookie tasted as good as his dad’s cookies. He hesitated and politely said, “No, not as good as my dad’s!” you and your wife have bright, happy and a bit “Beautiful” and handsome boys!

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