Christmas for Turkey

The custodian at my son’s elementary school is named Andy.  Everyone calls him “Turkey.” I don’t know why, there are just some things in life that you accept without question.  Nicknames of “Turkey” are one of those things.

Any who, many a time Turkey has helped out my son by retrieving his coat that he has left behind in the lunchroom.  Turkey has saved us countless trips to Lost and Found.

When it came time for Holiday gifts, my son suggested getting one for Turkey.  We wrapped it up and our son carried the gift off to school.  That night, we asked if he gave Turkey his gift.

Smiling, our son said, “Yes, Turkey really liked his gift.  I gave it to him, when he came to our room, because a kid had thrown up.”

Sometimes, it’s more than just the gift that counts.  It’s the timing.


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