Nothing says Minnesota Renaissance Man quite like making lefse, while watching football (beer mandatory).

Nothing says Minnesota Renaissance Man quite like making lefse, while watching football (beer mandatory).
Picking up my 16-year-old from his weekend ski trip, I knew that there were only two questions that would be appropriate.
Opening question, “Did you have fun?”
Son providing the anticipated response, “Yep.”
Glancing down at the half eaten bag of candy in my car’s center console, I provided the follow-up, “Want some gummy bears?”
Proving that all was right in the universe, my son responded, “Sure.”
Today at Target, I said to the cashier in my genuine Midwestern accent, “Thank you.”
She smiled and remarked, “I love it, when I hear that true Minnesota accent.”
Either Michigan is a lot closer to Minnesota than I previously thought or I’m slowly turning North.
When you are as tired as the cinnamon roll that has been sitting on the office’s kitchen counter for a week.
At least they are called “Sticky Pull-a-Parts.” They have that going for them.
Before heading out for some last minute Christmas shopping, I entered the bathroom to brush my teeth.
What did I find? My dog licking the outside of the toilet.
Well, I at least know what to buy my dog for Christmas. All he needs is a life.
Reflecting on the “dog feet” socks that I won during the office’s White Elephant gift exchange, I realized that I am somewhat fascinated by them, while 99% of the remaining population is horrified and repulsed.
You know it’s time for bed, when your Holiday craft project…
…begins to resemble a “Where’s Waldo?” book.
No doubt. No hesitation. No counting to five seconds.
Oh, I ate that little sliver of chocolate that I found on the floor of my cubicle.
Okay, now that I typed it, I am starting to doubt. Actually, I don’t feel that well, either.
My apologies, folks. You see, I had a fine blog post planned for tonight, but I’m tired. Just tired.
Too tired to write. Too tired to think. Even too tired for mistletoe (now that’s tired).
So it’s time to put that great idea for a blog post on the shelf. It’s gonna be good. Good some other day, not today.
“Although I was informed that there are like a thousand versions of this on Pinterest, this one is mine, so that makes it special. Enjoy!”
You will need the following for assembly…
Double Sided Tape, don’t forget the double sided tape
Full Sized Kit Kat
Two Full Sized Candy Canes
Six Hershey’s Holiday Miniatures, any flavor
Two Dove Holiday Miniatures, any flavor
One Small Chocolate Santa
One “Santa Hat” Hershey’s Kiss
Tape the candy canes onto the bottom of the Kit Kat to firm the sleigh.
Tape down two layers of miniature Hershey’s (three bars in each layer).
Tape the two Dove chocolates on top of the Hershey’s.
Tape the Santa Hat Kiss on top.
Tape the Chocolate Santa onto the front.
Unwrap the candies, before gobbling them down.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.