One word best describes the soon-to-be-launched-this-Fall website… “blogelicious”
All posts by Dave Paulsen
Insomniacs rejoice!
Coming soon, sleep aid without a pill.
This Fall, the Internet will never be the same…
Relief from Ketchup Lickers
If your eyes need a break from watching your child lick spilled ketchup off the dining room table, relief is on the way.
This Fall, the Internet will never be the same…
In a World Gone Mad
In a world gone mad (At McDonald’s McCafe, I could not order a “small” drink, only medium or large. Does that make their medium drink small? Madness, I tell you! The world has gone mad! Anyway, where was I? That’s right, in a world gone mad…), one website will stand alone.
This Fall, the Internet will never be the same…
The New Normal
Have you ever worried that your family isn’t normal?
Meet the Paulsen boys and worry no more.
Coming this Fall, “The New “Normal”
Celebrate independence from non-embellished nonfiction
John Tesh without all the John Teshiness
Coming this Fall…
This Fall, the Internet will never be the same…