More (questionable) life lessons from Father Dave…
Sunday was super windy and probably not the best day for my 11-year-old son Jacob and me to head to the batting cage. We did however give it a try and after thirty minutes as the sun was setting, we headed back to the car.
Crossing the empty parking lot, I recalled a fond memory. When I was growing up in Battle Creek, Michigan, there was a pedestrian mall through the center of businesses and larger buildings downtown. If the wind was blowing in just the right direction, it would create a sort of wind tunnel through the mall. Taking full advantage of the wind, you could spit into the air and watch it travel a good twenty-plus feet (completely flawed estimate based on a teenage memory, but I bet it is a pretty good guess).
As Jacob walked beside me, I turned so that the wind blew straight into my back and proudly said, “Watch this.” Mustering a quantity of spit that only a man of flawed character can truly appreciate, I tilted my head back at a 45 degree angle and let it fly. Magic! That spittle took flight! Across the parking lot it flew and landed an impressive wind aided distance from us. It took me two tries until Jacob fully appreciated the amazing spectacle taking place before him and he decided to join in.
Now, you are asking yourself, “What is the life lesson?” Well, always be on the lookout for an opportunity to have spontaneous fun. Also, always spit with the wind.