Asked to Not Shake It Off

So there I was doing dishes, while the boys searched the radio.  Eventually they came across a catchy little tune and that’s when I started dancing.  Yep, I was shakin’ my groove thang.  Turns out it was a Taylor Swift song that I had never heard before, but don’t judge me, it’s not my fault that she pens peppy little numbers and I have a need to embrace the beat.

It was while I was dancing, shakin’ all that I got (and I got a lot), while doing the dishes (a multi-tasking Renaissance Man, that’s me), that’s when my 12-year-old son walked by.  He walked by and glanced my way.  He walked by, glanced my way, and said with all the smuggy smugness of a preteen, “Sad.”  And that my friends was both the beginning, as well as the abrupt end of my promising career as a pop star’s backup dancer.  Shake it off, indeed.


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