Joy of Waiting

‘Tis the season for waiting.  Waiting for Christmas.  Waiting for the birth of a Savior.

Tonight, however, I just found myself waiting in my car.  In a High School parking lot, waiting for my son to exit the building.

As I waited, I realized I was tense.  Impatient.  Anxious about the normal stresses of life.  Bills.  Work.  Errands.  Life.

That’s when I noticed something else.  Something unexpected.  Peace.  I was sitting alone.  A solitary soul surrounded by the darkness of an early Winter evening.  Surrounded by peace.

Soft warm air flowed from the car vents.  The Rolling Stones sang a familiar song on the radio.  I was okay waiting for my son’s arrival.  I was at peace.  I was experiencing an Advent moment, being at peace with waiting.


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