My hair had grown bushy. My hair had grown out of control. My hair was in need of some serious help. So at lunch, I snuck out of the office and headed straight for a stylist’s chair. Yes, you heard me right, I was about to get some style.
Over the next thirty minutes, I was transformed. Transformed from bushy headed boy into a fine looking man. I was pleased.
Upon arriving back at the office a friend noted my new haircut, but also observed that the stylist had missed one. Missed one? Yeah, right. Tell me another story. I went about my day.
Later on, as I washed my hands in the restroom, I glanced into the mirror. Dear God, my friend was right. The stylist had missed one. One single hair. One out of the One Hundred Thousand on my head.
It was a single grey hair. Placed about a centimeter from my scalp, it appeared to have taken root, while I had my bushy hairdo. A grey pioneer trying to reclaim long abandoned forehead.
I took hold and yanked the offender from its roots. A receding hairline is no reason to cause shame and a rogue hair should receive no mercy.