That Resolution Has Been Thunderstruck

The other day it occurred to me that I didn’t know the words to AC/DC’s song “Thunderstruck.” Not a single word, other than “Thunder!”

So I looked it up…

“I was caught in the middle of a railroad track…”

As a bonus, I thought I was doing a pretty good imitation (my co-workers disagreed).

(You say, “What, Dave?!?  You were doing this at work?!?”)

(Me being very defensive, “That’s right and don’t judge me.  Plus, it’s not unusual for me to take brief mental detours at work.  It keeps me fresh.”)

(You being sceptical, “Fresh, huh?  That’s what you call random singing at work.” Now, you with a sarcastic tone and a roll of the eyes, “I’m sure your co-workers just LOVE that.”)

(Me being clueless and partially enlightened, all at once, “Yes, I’m sure they appreciate it, maybe, but that’s beside the point.”)

I read on…

“I looked round and I knew there was no turning back…”

Then I lost interest.  Oh well, farther than I’ve ever made it.

Perhaps next year, I will finish reading the “Thunderstruck” lyrics.  Setting the bar low for my 2018 Resolutions, that’s a start.

Looks like we can close the book on this year, because it’s been “Thunderstruck.”

All together now, “Thunder!”


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