Post-run and in a rush to get ready for dinner, Charlene and I split up the showers. She took our shower and I took the “guest” shower in the basement.
I cleaned up and toweled off, only to discover my logistical error. In my haste, I had forgotten to bring along clean clothes. I certainly did not want to put my sweaty post-run clothes back on, so I wrapped my towel tight around me and boldly marched upstairs.
Unfortunately, the whole family seemed to be gathered at the top of the stairs to see the sight. “Gasp! Shock! Awe! Please, dear God make it go away!” That seemed to be the consensus. Then my 12-year-old summed it up for the group, “Dad, you seem to be wearing a medium towel, when you need an extra large.” Ouch! Next time, I guess I’ll use the hand towel, instead of the wash cloth. #OhMercy #BetterChoicesInTheFuture