It was one of those days…
One of those days, when you realize that your phone isn’t working right…
One of those days, when at the end of lunch break you stop into the cell phone store to have it looked at…
One of those days, when you end up sitting there for 90 minutes as they click randomly on the screen…
One of those days, while you sit there for 90 minutes, you are just a few feet away from an ice cream store, but cannot leave, because at any second, they may bring your beloved cell phone “Fred” back to life…
One of those days, when they cannot bring your phone back to life, but you leave with (I kid you not) a phone number to call (well, if I had a phone that worked this would make sense)…
One of those days, when you call the company, they say that they will send you a replacement phone, but if it turns out that the phone died because of something stupid you did, it will cost you $300 (whatever, send me the damn replacement phone already!)…
One of those days, when you return home all late and all sorts of grumpy…
One of those days, when your kids surround you talking all a million miles a minute…
One of those days, when you realize that you did not take the dinner out of the freezer in time and will need to cook hot dogs as a last resort, instead…
One of those days, when you notice that one of your children have placed the following clothes pin on the back of your shirt…
One of those days, when your heart melts…
One of those days, when you see all three of your boys sitting at the counter and you smile…
One of those days, when you realize that you are surrounded by overwhelming love…
One of those days that you would not trade for anything.