I am a slow riser. I take a little while to get going. As a result, I don’t like to chat too much early in the morning.
My 9-year-old son Sam is an early riser. A very early riser. Usually, he can be spotted up well before 6:30AM. Plus, he is an early morning talker. Sam is not afraid to start up a conversation about anything regardless of whether or not the other party is awake.
Well, I usually run into Sam first thing in the morning. It takes me about 20 minutes, but I eventually join the conversation. That’s how our mornings are supposed to work. It’s tiring, but it’s our routine.
This morning, I got up. I showered. I stumbled down for my morning coffee. I looked around and there was no Sam to be found. I checked downstairs and thought I heard the television. I got downstairs and nothing. My mind was playing tricks on me. No Sam to be found. Then the oddest thing happened, I grew sad (a tired wistful sort of sad) that the banter was not by my side.
I walked upstairs. Fixed my coffee and waited. And waited. And waited. Finally at 7:01AM, I heard the footsteps of young Sam. After bounding down the stairs, Sam and I were soon engaged in a long conversation about the frenemy relationship between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.
I was tired, but I was happy. Everything was right again. My Sam had arrived.