Light of Wonder

In the morning, I like to make the rounds.  Walking into each bedroom and either waking a slumbering child, opening curtains, or both.

This morning was the same.  I opened curtains and looked out into the front yard.  There stood the tree.  The tree always standing in front of our house.  Constant.  Silent.  Usually grey.  This morning was different, there was no grey.  The early morning sun wrapped the tree in a blanket of bright orange.  A beautiful glowing orange.

Pure joy.  Life embodied in morning light.  I looked around at the room of my son.  The light created a soft glow around me.  Surrounded by light.  Reminded of my precious sons.  I smiled.  Glad for life.  Thankful for the moment.  Blessed to be part of all that is, all that was, and all that will be.


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