“Where in the World are Sam’s Socks?” – No Socks Tonight Edition

As you may be aware, every now and then on Friday nights, I stroll around the house looking for some misplaced socks to photograph and put up on the blog.  It’s my old faithful.  My rock.  Need a blog post?  No fear, the socks will pull through.

Well earlier tonight was no different, as the boys headed off to bed, I spotted my 9-year-old son Sam’s socks perched on the arm of a chair in the basement.  I had my material.  Everything would be fine.  That’s when my world was rocked.  Returning to the basement with camera in hand, what did I see?  A chair sans socks.  My boy had picked up his clothes after all.  Hallelujah!

No Socks Tonight

Where in the world are Sam’s socks?  Not here!  Miracles do happen.  #Proof


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