Happy Birthday, Mister President

When I was a third grader, I was really into Presidents.  I could name them all in order.  I could tell you facts and figures about them.  I loved the World Book Encyclopedia write-up about them and accompanying portraits.  It was my thing.

As a result, I had lots of Presidential stuff in my room.  A little Styrofoam stand that held tiny versions of the Presidents in kind of a small version of Disney World’s “Hall of Presidents,” but less animatronic and certainly less creepy.  I also had a huge quilt that my Grandmother made me that showed all of the Presidents.  Finally, I had some dolls of famous Presidents (Millard Fillmore and Calvin Coolidge were not allowed).  Now, I know what you are thinking.  Dave had dolls.  Well sure, dolls in the same sense that lots of boys own action figures, just like how my 6-year-old son Ben has a set of superhero action figures.  Same thing.  Yep, they were actually more like Presidential action figures.  That is my story and I’m sticking to it.  Besides, no one even blinked an eye, when the JFK doll spent a long weekend at Malibu Barbie’s beach house, although Ken remains very jealous.

President Quilt

Little Dave with Grandma Franck’s “Presidents Quilt.”  Note how vain I was assuming the place of James Madison’s head.  Plus, what is that mystery hand to the right trying to tell us about President Grant?  Some of life’s questions will forever remain unanswered.

Reagan and Spidey

See, just a couple of action figures hanging out, although President Reagan never claimed to have “Spidey Sense.”  Some however claimed that Abe Lincoln was a vampire hunter.  Things that make you go hmmm.

Flash forward to three years ago.  My folks were cleaning out some stuff and they ran across my Presidential collection.  Soon I received a series of boxes in the mail filled with all sorts of Presidential goodies and ever since then, during the month of February, our house is decorated with an impressive assortment of Presidential memorabilia.  The tiny Hall of Presidents, the quilt, and of course the Presidential dolls (err, action figures) grace our home, right beside your standard Valentine’s Day heart decorations.  There they are, famous Presidents looking down on us.  FDR, Andrew Jackson, Truman, Ike, et al, and as 6-year-old Ben referred to him, “Teddy Washington.”  Hum, an indication of the decline of American history in our schools?

Hall of Presidents

No need to travel to Orlando, I’ve got a “Hall of Presidents” right here.

Teddy Washington

Teddy Washington

As I type this and all through the month of February, when I sit on the couch, there is Abraham Lincoln staring down at me, reminding me to be honest, even as I write my daily embellishment of some random event.  Okay, I get the message, Birthday Boy.  You can look elsewhere.  Please.  It’s getting kind of creepy, just like living in a less animatronic version of the “Hall of Presidents.”

Birthday Boy Abe

As I type, I rest under Abraham Lincoln’s soft gaze.

You have been so good.  As a reward, here is a bonus story for Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday…

Earlier today, 11-year-old Jacob was tormenting his 6-year-old brother Ben by indicating that the stuffed animal Ben was playing with really belonged to him.  Sure, at one point Jacob probably did own the teddy bear, but many years ago he discarded the toy and his little brother has been playing with it for several months.  Case closed.  The ownership has changed to young Ben.

Walking in on the argument, Charlene noted that their dispute was similar to the Wisdom of Solomon (i.e. Ben cared about the bear, while Jacob was claiming ownership just to be difficult).  The boys looked confused, so I quickly relayed the story.  Two women were arguing over who was mother of a baby.  They asked the King to decide.  The King said he would just cut the baby in two.  One woman shrugged, the other was willing to give up the child so it could live.  King said the latter was the mother, because she cared about the child.  To wrap up, I steered a little off course and added, “Then they threw a huge party and that’s why we celebrate Lincoln’s Birthday.”  The kids continued to look confused and Charlene insisted on relaying future Biblical lessons.


Little known fact, wise King Solomon often consulted a stuffed teddy bear, when making major decisions.

The End.


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