Thirst – Part One

I was so prepared.  I had packed up my gym clothes.  I was all ready to go to spin class at lunch.  So prepared, indeed, at least until I got to work.  I got to work and realized that I forgot to pack a water bottle.  A water bottle, which is a critical part of spin class.  An element, which is crucial to my survival.

Ah, but I am a problem solver and the solution was close at hand.  In the basement of our office building is a communal break room.  A land where vending machines dwell and water bottles are to be found.  I rarely go into the break room, but with coins in hand, I felt pretty confident that I would be exiting with some bottled water.

The break room is divided into two parts.  The first is a small room containing about six vending machines.  The second is a large area containing tables and chairs.  Walking down into the room, I took a hard right into the vending machine area and into total darkness.  Darkness, because they keep the lights off in the vending machine area to save on energy.  All well and good, I love the Earth, too.  Going to a large bank of light switches, I gave each one a try.  None of them worked.  Looking across the darkness, I saw another large bank of light switches.  Venturing across the dark void, I reached the second set of switches that held so much promise.  One after one, nothing.  Again.  Earth be damned, I wanted light!  I hope no poor soul was having their break in the other part of the room, because I’m sure that the flipping of switches put on quite a show.  Sadly, however, there was no light.

Many Switches

One of two huge banks of light switches.  None of them actually provides light.

Bravely, I ventured toward the vending machines.  I found one that appeared to hold beverages.  I plugged in a few quarters guessing on the amount.  I squinted into the glass case, hoping to see my goal.  Water.  All I wanted was water.  Over 70 percent of the Earth is covered in water.  The world’s most abundant resource and I was willing to pay for it, but I could not see it.  So close.  It taunted me.  Looking back at me from the shadows.  I wanted it, but I would have to gamble.  I would have to give my best guess at the right Letter/Number combination, lest I accidently select Diet Squirt.

My senses sharpened.  I punched the numbers.  The machine whirled.  Products moved.  A bottle dropped.  The heavens opened.  Angels sang.  Water, glorious water awaited me.  I had chosen wisely.

Returning to my cubicle, I relayed my story of adventure to a co-worker (that poor soul had to listen to it, just like you, you poor soul that is now reading it).  Then she relayed some simple, but powerful information.  “There is a single switch around the corner that turns on those lights.”  Ah, ha!  Nothing could stop me now.

The Magic Switch

Behold, the glorious light switch that actually produces light.

A few days later, I was searching for writing material and remembered my journey into the darkness.  Good stuff for a story.  I grabbed my camera and took a stroll to the break room.  Sure enough, there was the single light switch.  Ah, the power it holds.  Hearing some co-workers approaching, I quickly took a photo.  I did not want to look like an idiot taking a photo of a light switch.  Embarrassed?  Perhaps.  All I knew was that I had the photo I needed, no matter how close I had come to looking like a fool.

Image of Panic

A photo I took of the floor, as I heard the footsteps of co-workers approaching and panicked.  Sad.  A grown man too timid to admit that he just wants to take a photo of a light switch.  Strange, but understandable given the circumstances.  Given the thirst.

Tune in tomorrow for the exciting (?) conclusion of “Thirst.”  (I know what you are thinking, “Dave, the story is over or at least we hope it is.  What’s up?”  Well, trust me, my friend.  There is more to know.  More to explore.  More thirst to be quenched.)


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