“Where in the World are Jacob’s Socks?” – Athletic Side Effect Edition

Our 11-year-old son Jacob loves playing baseball.  In the summer, baseball is his primary activity.  Then autumn fades into winter and the kid does not really have a cold weather sport.  We tried out basketball.  He liked it well enough, but it just was not his thing.  Ditto for swimming.  Ice skating, uh no.  There goes hockey, too.  So he waits.  Waits for the snow to thaw and the sound of baseballs springing off bats and the comforting smell of a glove’s well-worn leather.  Jacob is a boy of summer.

Annually here in the Willmar, they have an early summer 4 mile run.  Since Charlene and I can both run long distances, not for speed, but still a long way, we figured maybe another niche for Jacob could be track.  If he started training now in the dead of winter, the 4 mile run would be a perfect target.  Perhaps the right fit to blend cold weather training with a summer activity.

Getting the crew ready to attend his younger brother Ben’s basketball game at the Y Center, I asked Jacob if he would like to run on the track with me, while his brother warmed up for the game.  Considering his other option was sitting on a cold hard aluminum gym bleacher and waiting, he took me up on my offer.  Jogging around the track for 2 miles, he did fine keeping up with his father’s plodding Clydesdale-like pace and even beat me in a final lap sprint.  Maybe track could be his winter activity.

Arriving back at home, the boys all scattered to enjoy their screen time and I settled in to write my blog.  The fire place was inviting and the couch beckoned.  Snuggling in, I prepared myself to write about young Ben’s riveting Kindergarten basketball game, when I reached over to adjust the pillows on the couch.  Lifting up a pillow and scooting over, my hand discovered an unpleasant surprise.  Jacob’s socks.  The ones he had just exercised in.  Crammed into the corner of the couch.

Hum, sweaty socks hidden under pillows.  On second thought, it’s probably okay if Jacob does not have a winter sport.

Now you see them…

Now You See Them

Now you don’t…

Now You Don't

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