
Sam 01

Vintage Sam, up early and joining us for breakfast on January 30, 2007.

Today, our son Sam turns 8-years-old.  As a middle child, Sam was faced with the challenge of finding his own way.  Sam has excelled in meeting this challenge.

Case in point, his inability to walk in a straight line (well documented in my “Sine Curves and Sidewalks” post).  His inability to sit still at dinner.  His unbounded imagination exhibited in his crossword / connect-the-dot hybrid puzzle (patent pending).  His rapid speech accented with up talk (a.k.a. vocal fry).  His continual attempts to create new jokes, my personal favorite being, “What do you call a pile of cats?  A meowtain.”

Lastly, our Sam loves to talk and tell tales, you can see his mind working as he stalls during a conversation, until a thought can fully form and then, “Bam!”  Revisionist history, Sam style (a.k.a. a “Sam-ism”).

Don’t let reality stop you, here comes Sam!


Sam-ism Samples (and only a very small, random sample)…

“Ben Franklin invented instant replay.”

“Scientists are developing ways to make listening devices out of flowers.”

“The first cars had lots of fires.”

“If rocket ships move at full speed, they could move Pluto, but it would take 20 rocket ships that go the speed of over a million cheetahs, to make it budge one inch.”

“There was only one makeup day (when I was) in Kindergarten and it was January 1.”

“The first song was ‘Rock-a-Bye,’ Mary sang it to Jesus.”

“In really cold places, like Alaska, they don’t make snowmen.  They make snow polar bears.”


I’m unsure where Sam will eventually focus his talents.  Probably somewhere between Wikipedia and “The Onion” would be appropriate.

Cheeseburger in Paradise

It may not have been a Cheeseburger in Paradise, but it was lunchtime at Kennedy Elementary School with my wife and our birthday boy.  Paradise?  No.  Cheeseburger?  Yes.  No place I’d rather be.

PS – Here’s a bonus Sam-ism…  “(The song) ‘Don’t stop thinkin’ about tomorrow’ should be ‘You should be thinkin’ about the present.’”

Happy Birthday, Sam!  Don’t stop thinkin’ about the present.


Sam opening his presents at breakfast, under the watchful gaze of his finger-lickin’ chocolate-chip-pancake-eatin’ older brother Jacob.

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