Christmas All Lawyered-Up

The time was 1965 and the Peanuts gang tackled the issue of commercialism and Christmas. Flash forward half-a-century and now we have the problem of legal boundaries and the Holidays. I bet even Lucy charges more than a nickel now at her roadside therapy stand.

Well, here are the new electronic device boundaries for the Paulsen kids. I’m not a lawyer, but sometimes I play one at home. Now for the hard part of being a parent. Pray for me.

Device Agreement

Sure it’s one sided, but to our credit, we did not ask for their souls in exchange for access to “Cyber World.”  A copy of the text follows…


This agreement outlines the rules and expectations for using electronic devices in the Paulsen house.

It is mutually agreed that…

1) Gratitude – I understand that this device is a gift and I will at all times show gratitude and appreciation for being allowed to use it.  Any failure to show appreciation may result in the loss of the device.

2) Ownership of Others – I will respect the ownership of other family members.  I will not play with, alter, or view their device without their permission.

3) Responsibility – I take responsibility for the care of my device.  I understand this includes paying for any replacements and being extra careful with my device.

4) Prior Approvals – I promise not to download or purchase anything without parental approval.

5) Access – I understand that limits will be placed on my usage of the device.  I understand that any time using the device will be deducted from my allotted daily screen time.  I will provide my parents with full access to the device at any time, including providing them with all current passwords and pin numbers.  I will not share my passwords and pin numbers with friends or anyone outside my immediate family.

6) Location – I will keep the device in the house, unless parental approval is received for use in other locations.  I promise not to loan out or let my friends borrow my device.

7) Nighttime – I will return my device to the agreed upon docking location for the night.  Under no circumstances is the device permitted to stay in a bedroom overnight.

8) Suspension of Privileges – I understand that any inappropriate behavior, poor treatment of the device, poor treatment of others, or disputes may result in the temporary or permanent loss of privileges and access to my device.

9) Changes – I understand that my parents may amend this agreement at any time without my prior approval or consent.

10) Enjoy – I understand that the device is meant to be fun and educational.  I promise to enjoy it.

By signing below, I agree to all of the terms outlined above.

Jacob Paulsen, user

Sam Paulsen, user

Ben Paulsen, user

Charlene Stevens, parent

Dave Paulsen, parent

Dated:  December 25, 2014

Device Immersion

At least they are sitting together.  I suspect that Iron Man is plotting some type of national defense strategy.


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