Timing is Everything

It was that treasured time of night, the time when we report on our daily activities.

I was first. I told a riveting story about how a Dove chocolate candy wrapper led me to the discovery of a fellow blogger, Kayla Z from North Dakota, who used to write at “Embracing Women of Today.”

Next up was my 12-year-old son Sam, who told the tale of a fellow that he saw in the library. What made this gentleman special was that he was wearing a WWE championship belt. Not particularly muscular and perhaps on the skinny side, Sam did not feel as if he was an actual WWE wrestler. Sam indicated that he may draft the story as a future Cookies by Dave guest post.

As my 10-year-old son Ben prepared to tell a tale of how his buddy opened not one, but two consecutive fortune cookies that both contained the sad directive, “Make friends,” Ben’s older brother, 15-year-old Jacob interrupted in an exasperated tone. “If you are going to tell your story, please do not have a long introduction like Dad and Sam.”

Well, it looks like we found both Jacob’s breaking point and the key to telling a good story in the Paulsen House. Don’t go third.

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