The Twelfth Day of Christmas Cookies… Rum Balls in the fridge and to all a good night

Here we are at Christmas Eve and the “Twelfth Day of Christmas Cookies.”  Over the last twelve days, we have experienced cookie highs and lows.  Traditions and adventures.  Simple and complex.  And now our journey comes to an end, so in keeping with the media tradition of the Christmas Special, I would like to present a Holiday Guest Post, by my beloved older sister, Kathy Carlin.


“What does the Kathy say?”  Well, we will find out shortly.  In the above photo, Guest Post Kathy willingly (honest, it may have even been her idea) poses with her brother, Cookie Dave.


“The Night Before Christmas – Cushman/Carlin Clan Style”

by Kathy Carlin


‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the home,

Not a devise was plugged in, not even the phone.


The stockings were laying on the couch without care,

With the knowledge that St. Nicolas had already been there.


The children were nestled in all corners of the world,

While visions of past holidays in their heads swirled.


And I in my sweatpants and Jimmy in his shorts,

Had just turned on TV to a channel with sports.


When out on the drive there arose such a clatter,

I sprang up from my bed to see what was the matter.


Away to the window I flew like a flash,

Quickly locking the door and hiding the cash.


The moon threw a sheen on the unshoveled drive,

Casting a glow on the ice, there was nowhere to hide.


When what to my wondering eyes should appear,

But a sub-compact car completely loaded with gear.


With a driver that looked like he’d had too much fun,

I knew in an instant it must be my son.


More rapid than eagles he brought in his stuff

Bags of clothes and a cat. Then I said, “That’s enough!”


As leaves before the wild hurricane fly,

My daughter, her husband, and son Levi stopped by.


Levi’s eyes-how they twinkled!  His dimples how merry!

His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry.


His tiny little mouth was drawn up like a bow

And his cute little boots were all covered in snow.


The stump of a candy cane he held tight in his teeth.

And a Thomas the Train hat encircled his head like a wreath.


He had big eyes and a round little belly,

His hands were a bit sticky.  It think it was jelly.


My mother soon arrived, a right jolly old elf.

And I laughed when I saw her in spite of myself.


With a wink of her eye and a twist of her head,

She completed a feast with olives, drink, and bread.


I know it seems odd. Try to understand if you can.

This is just how we roll in the Cushman/Carlin clan.

Guest Post Mug

Guest Post, Kathy’s view as she enjoys some coffee from her limited edition mug, while nibbling on a few last Christmas Cookies.

Rum Balls

The Rum Balls all snug in the back of the fridge, next to the homemade sauerkraut and $5.99 Velveeta.  The Rum Balls are happy with their living quarters and new neighbors, but I would not recommend serving sauerkraut, Velveeta, and rum balls at the same Christmas table.  Although it does sound like an episode of “Chopped.”  “In the dessert basket, we have sauerkraut, artificial cheese, and rum balls.  Your time starts now!”


“Rum Balls, perfect for those moments when your boomerang children arrive back on your doorstep with their pets and dirty laundry in tow.” – Kathy

12 ounces (2 cups) Dark Chocolate Chips

¼ cup, plus 2 Tablespoons, Karo Syrup

1 cup Sugar

2/3 cup Rum

4 cups Gingersnaps



Melt the chocolate chips, Karo syrup, and sugar in the microwave.

Stir in the rum and set aside.

Pulse the gingersnaps in a food processor, until they are fine crumbs.

Mix the gingersnap crumbs into the “rum mixture.”

Form the dough into tablespoon sized balls (it may need a little refrigeration first, in order to make it easier to handle) and roll in sprinkles.

Refrigerate until firm.


Makes about 48 rum balls.

Revised Source:  the most amazing, loving, talented, smart, generous, and forgiving-of-her-pain-in-the-rear-little-brother big sister and Guest Post, Kathy Carlin

Feats of Strength

Cookie Dave performing one final Festivus Feat of Strength by hoisting 10-pound bags of flour and sugar.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!


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