No Clue

Here at Cookies by Dave, I only have one rule: if I think of potential material, WRITE IT DOWN. Usually, it’s just a scribble. A few words as a reminder, but I am consistent and I always WRITE IT DOWN.

Tonight, as I struggled for a topic, I went back through my notes.

“Bottomless coffee.” Yep, that was about the waitress who kept bringing me coffee, until I felt like I was going to sprout wings.

“Bad at the video game.” That one was about how I tried to play a video game with my boys. I was not just bad, I was horrible. I was not just horrible, I was epically badly horrible.

“Walking taco poem.” Oh, that is going to be a classic someday.

Then came a perplexing one… “Syrup a plenty.” What? Did I have an abundance of syrup? Was this some sort of blessing? Why would it ever be of interest? I have no clue. Myself in the past really should have left a better message for my future self, because in the present, I’m just confused.

Well, it’s time to wrap up this meandering and forgetful walk through a pothole filled memory lane. May all of your notes to yourself make sense and may all of my future posts be of better quality than this one. Now, that would be a double win, especially with lots of syrup on top.

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