Underwear Buried There

Tonight’s blog post was going to be about the ten minute meeting that I chaired earlier today. You see, I run a tight meeting, but ten minutes. Wow! That’s All-Star worthy.

Like I said, most of my meetings are crisp. Well, minus the mandatory five minutes of story telling and chit chat at the start. After that, it’s all business. Problem is that it makes for a boring post. See, you’re already bored.

Thankfully, a blog worthy story landed in my lap, well more like my ear, later in the day. Around 3:30, I received a call at work from my 10-year-old son Ben. Ben never calls me. It had to be important.

“Dad,” Ben began, “Kirby (our beagle) has some clothing in his mouth. It looks like he wants to go outside and bury it.” I suggested that Ben throw some treats as a distraction to grab the clothing. He indicated that the diversionary tactic failed. Acknowledging defeat, I told Ben it would be fine letting Kirby bury his prized possession. It must certainly be special.

Arriving home, I found out the truth. Our dog had entered the hamper for his prize. Something truly special. Yep, Kirby had buried my underwear outside. Buried treasure, indeed, for that pair of underwear was now worth its weight in (blog post) gold.

Thanks Kirby, I think.

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