First World Trouble

Let me tell you about today.

I put on a comfy red sweater and you know what? It was still a little damp. Ugh.

On the drive to work, my travel mug was keeping my coffee to darn hot to drink. Whoa is me.

On top of that, I had a chunk of almond from my breakfast stuck in my teeth. Coffee would have helped loosen that, if only my coffee was not too hot. How long must I suffer?

Then get this, the beef jerky that I purchased from the vending machine got stuck. Left hanging there, teasing me. Plus, the machine wouldn’t take my $5 bill, in order to purchase the beef product behind it and release the first package. Ahhhhhhhh, the agony.

Yep, my well dressed, well fed, car driving, high quality travel mug in hand, with $5 remaining life is certainly difficult, this I know.

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