Core of the Problem

Headed into a meeting, I had a bold new strategy: bring an apple. Yes, an apple. If the meeting started to head South, I would take a big bite. Wallah, instant group distraction.

Well, walking into the meeting (please, don’t think less of me), I chickened out. I ate all of the apple, minus the core, before most of the attendees arrived. Part hunger, mostly chickenness inspired my actions. Plus, the apple was yummy, so I didn’t feel too bad.

The meeting continued on and sadly I got hungry again. I stared at the apple core.

The meeting continued on even longer. I glanced at the core once more. I willed my tummy not to grumble.

More time in the meeting, I could not take it any longer. I popped the core into my mouth (I don’t believe anyone noticed).

Good news was that it provided me with a moment of distraction. Just ignore the cyanide rich apple seeds, it was a price I was willing to pay.

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