Winter is Coming

This year in Minnesota, Autumn lasted a total of about ten days.  Hot Summer, ten days of leaves falling, and then BAM!  Winter!  Cold, cold Winter.

Well, I missed that ten day window for raking leaves, so Sunday afternoon,  I tackled the lawn and paid the price.

Taking a few swipes with the rake, I soon realized that the leaves were frozen to the ground.  An icy mixture of regret and sadness.  I took the rake again in my hands and struggled free a few bags worth of leaves.  Then, SNAP!  The rake was no more.  Snap a rake in two and how many rakes do you have?  Wait, that question only applies toward pinching worms.  Any who, I struggled on.

Second rake in hand, I took several more strokes at the frozen tundra and SNAP!  Right in two, again.  Now, I began to wonder if the sub-zero temps had butchered the rakes or if it was my own body bursting forth with masculinity.  My body’s attempt to survive the upcoming six months of Winter.

Grabbing the third (and last remaining rake, the most expensive and well made of the bunch), I continued my struggle against the leaves before the full onslaught of Winter.  A final assault on the remains of Fall, while a much more sinister opponent waits.

Somehow the final rake survived until sunset, which seemed to take place at 3:35 PM.  2/3rd of the backyard was clean.  I may not have won the battle, but I slept well knowing that all rakes will from now on will fear me, Mister Late-to-the-Raking-Party.


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