God Winking at You

Dear Reader (all six or seven of you),

I wrote this post several months ago and shelved it.  I just was not quite ready to post it.

Well, the storms that I referenced in this post passed long ago and Easter Sunday seems like a fine day.  A fine day to celebrate a living God.  A God that lives in each of us.

Enjoy and Happy Easter!

Your Friend,



Last week was one of those weeks where you feel like life has punched you in the gut.  The details don’t really matter.  Just one of those weeks where you are simultaneously filled with shock, anger, sadness, and resolve all at once.  A stew that life prepares for everyone at some point.  It happens, you just never know in advance when.

Well, I followed the script.  Again, the details don’t matter, because we all go through such moments.  My family has seen worse.  We will be fine.  I knew what to do.  Let love overshadow anger and above all else take care of yourself.  In my case, that meant sweat.  A lot.  As much as possible.  The YMCA was my friend.

So there I was exiting the Men’s Changing Room at the Y, when I passed some wall art.  Art that I have seen hundreds of time before, but this time it stood out.  It spoke to me.  It reassured me.  I smiled.

“Positive Future.” Yep, this too shall pass.

The next day, I worked out more sweat and frustrations.  I exited the Y and there was another reminder.

“Endless Possibilities.” Yes, indeed there are.  Life is full of opportunities.  This would be another.

Then I was reminded of a friend’s philosophy.  A belief that God speaks to us in subtle ways.  A smile from a friend.  A reassuring thought.  Something to make you laugh, when you need it most.  My friend calls them, “God Winks.” Well, I don’t know for sure how my Lord acts, but I do believe that we are all capable of God-like selfless love.  Kind deeds that can ripple well beyond our knowledge.

I’m sure the Y had a staff meeting at some point to select positive phrases meant to inspire.  Inspire when members need a boost.  I had passed those phrases plenty of times, but my eyes finally focused.  Opened, when I needed that boost.  There is indeed a positive future that awaits and I look forward to living those endless possibilities.

Thanks.  I needed that.

Epilogue – As I write this post, I am waiting for my son’s basketball game to start.  Sitting in a cold and unfamiliar Middle School gym, just waiting.

I even began to question my premise of a new level of divinely inspired observation, when you need it most.

Then I looked up and paused.  I looked up, saw this, and smiled.

“It’s not whether you get knocked down.  It’s whether you get back up.” – Vince Lombardi

Thanks coach, I needed that.

Okay God, point made.

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