Breathe Deep and Be Thankful

Whew!  My friends, that was a long week.  A long week of the normal stuff.  Work, trying to be healthy, cleaning dishes, shuttling kids around, checking homework, paying bills, trying to do your best in general.

So after a long week, we had some “Chocolate Mug Cake.”  I know I have referenced the beauty of the mug cake in the past, but oh tonight it was glorious.  All sorts of chocolaty and quick.  Perfect, when on the brink of tired.  Perfect, when on the brink of the holidays.  Perfect, when arriving at week’s end.

So I ate my mug cake and as I was putting my 8-year-old son Ben to bed, he read me a passage from the Bible.  An assignment for tonight from Sunday School, but just what my tired ears and winded soul needed.  “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

Yes, just what I needed.  The perfect reminder for tonight.  Even as we are exhausted, we can remember that this is our one shot.  Our one shot to make a fresh mug cake.  Our one shot to enjoy those around us.  Our one shot to be kind.  Our one shot to share love.  Our one shot at life.  Be thankful.  You are living in a special moment.  Right here.  Right now.  As you go to bed smile.  You are breathing in this moment and sometimes that’s reason enough to rejoice.


Sorry, no photo tonight.  We gobbled it up too quick.   :0)

4 Tablespoons Flour

4 Tablespoons Sugar

2 Tablespoons Cocoa Powder

1 Egg

3 Tablespoons Milk

3 Tablespoons Canola Oil

3 Tablespoons Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips

A Small Splash of Vanilla Extract


Coat a large coffee mug with cooking spray.

Put the flour, sugar, and cocoa powder into the mug and stir.

Add the egg and stir again.

Add the milk and canola oil.  Stir, yet again.

Add the chocolate chips and vanilla extract.  You guessed it, stir.

Microwave for 3 minutes.

Let cool a little bit and then eat.


Makes 1 mug cake.

Revised Source:  A random piece of paper that I have had for a long time with a trusty recipe for “5 Minute Chocolate Mug Cake.”


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