A Promise is a Promise

So today at church, we celebrated the 500th Anniversary of Martin Luther busting out his hammer, defacing property, and launching the Reformation.  All well and good, thanks Pastor Martin.

During worship, our Pastor Paul reminded us to think of how our faith is built upon generation after generation of Christians.  As I sang, I thought of my Grandpa Franck, who always sang with passion, praise, and a bit of otherworldly abandon.  As I sang, I heard my young son, Ben, singing along.  I thought of generations singing together in praise.  A glorious noise across the ages.

Recently, I read the chapter in Genesis about God’s covenant with Abram.  I read the passage in my brand new reading glasses, which I feel make me look rather British and all distinguished and such, but that’s beside the point.  The point is that I read the story of God’s covenant with Abram and what struck me was the following verse (Genesis 15:15a), “As for yourself, you shall go to your ancestors in peace…”  Another promise within a story about a promise.

Yes, in so many ways, we sing as a result of the actions and bravery of our ancestors and we will sing in glory with them, again.  My Bible tells me so.  Grandpa Franck, my son Ben, and me.  Hey, if Martin Luther wants to join us, he is more than welcome, too.

Forever my favorite painting of Martin Luther, during one of his famous family jam sessions.  Rock on, Pastor Martin!  Rock on!

Yep, beside the point, but I still maintain that these reading glasses make me look all sorts of Colin Firth British Kingsman like.  $12 at Walgreens and all sorts of worth it or in this case, Firth it.



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