God of the Future

Saturday night, I was having trouble sleeping.  At around 3AM, I found myself finished reading every magazine within reach and I still was not tired.  Turning on the TV and flipping through the channels, I stumbled across “Back to the Future III.”  It has been at least 20 years since I had seen the movie so I paused and watched for a spell.  Before I knew it, I had finished the final installment in the trilogy.  Turns out that the moral of the story was (spoiler alert), the future is what you make of it.  Yep, you can change your destiny.  Well, who knew?  Satisfied, I returned to bed and got a little sleep.

Before I knew it, I was in church.  Sleepy, but in church.  We were going through one of the early portions of the service, where you confess your sins and say a prayer and such.  Truth be told, I was not paying too much attention, but I was there, reading along, being good.  Then a phrase caught my attention, we prayed to the “God of the future.”  This struck me and caused me to pause in my sleepy state.

God is always God.  Everywhere and always.  Past, present, and future.  Transcending time and space.  God is always there, no matter what.  It does not matter what we make of the future.  It does not matter what others make of the future.  God will be there waiting for us.  Waiting for us with comfort and love.  Providing gentle guidance.  Embracing us in our time of need.

Yes, the future is indeed what we make of it, but we can forever and always take comfort in the fact that a loving and forgiving God will forever be there to greet us.  What a comfort, as we all march together back to the future.  No flux capacitor required.


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