Crumbs on my Belly

Our Kindergartener Ben was very proud of himself, when he announced that he was awarded with a Subway kids meal gift certificate for helping out at school. Ben’s announcement came with one request from the little man, he wanted to eat his free sandwich with the whole family.  So yesterday, we piled into the car and headed out for lunch.

Subway is one of those places, where their marketing and menu choices almost make you feel guilty if you don’t select a healthy sandwich option. Staring at their big promotional sign for Poblano BLTs, I could not help but think that I was straying toward unhealthy menu options in the land of Jared the weight loss guy.  No, resist the Poblano BLT, look away from the poster, go healthy, you can do it, Dave.  Make Jared proud.  My turn in line fast approaching, I turned toward the tuna sub.  It sounded good, it sounded healthy, I was proud of myself.

Sitting down to each, our family soon found ourselves surrounded with nutritional facts. They were on the back of cups, on educational fliers, I was beginning to suspect that they were actually broadcast directly into our brains.  That is when my family informed me that the tuna sub was actually one of the most calorie packed sandwiches I could have selected.  Somewhere Jared was shaking his head.  Well, as the Taylor Swift and her Subway Sandwiches promotional onslaught seemed to be telling me to “Shake it off,” I enjoyed my tuna sandwich.  Then much to my sadness, I realized that crumbs from my sandwich had landed on my belly, which my calorie rich sandwich was not helping shrink in size.

In an act of kindness and love, my dear wife Charlene gently brushed some of the crumbs off my built-in tummy ledge and giggled playfully at my failed attempt to eat healthy. Looking around the table, my boys gleefully chatted and nibbled slowly (very, very slowly) at their sandwich selections.  Everything was right in my world.  I was surrounded by my beautiful family that I love.  I was truly blessed.  Well, all except for my fatty tuna fest.  With the exception of that one misstep, the world was just as it should be, crumbs on my belly included.

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