Dream Big. Dream Cheesy.

During Sunday School, 7-year-old Sam had an especially good time drawing a “Cheese World” with one of his friends. While, I am not sure of Sunday’s lesson (perhaps, through God all things are possible, even a Cheese World?), Sam was very proud of his comical drawing, which was very orange and seemed to contain a person walking around on the surface of Cheese World.

At Sunday evening’s dinner, Sam continued joking about Cheese World (at least I thought it was a joke) and mentioned how when he grows up, he would like to “become an astronaut and travel to Cheese World.” Now, don’t get me wrong.  I like to encourage a child’s imagination, but this seemed like an unlikely career path.  So without much thought, I said to Sam with a little grin that his career plans might not be feasible.  I guess I should have clarified that traveling to Cheese World may be unlikely, but feel free to become an astronaut.  Whatever my intent, it sure landed with a thud at the dinner table, as all eyes looked at me, as if to say, “Don’t crush the boy’s dreams.”  Okay son, feel free to travel to Cheese World, but if you mention plans for a double major in college of Bovine Sciences and Astronomy, I may need to intervene.

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