Marker Turnaround

It was one of those mornings. One of those mornings, where the first thing of the day kind of kicks you in the pants and has you looking for any type of turnaround.  Of course, the kids are clueless to these developments and are being loud, while running around the house before school.

During these developments, I passed my 5-year-old son at the breakfast table.  There he was nibbling away at his blueberry Pop-Tart, while he held a green marker tightly and slowly colored an “Origami Jabba the Hutt” (trust me, not that unusual in the young boy demographic) that his older brother had folded for him.  Providing him with notification that he needed to get ready for school, he asked with all of the innocence and sincerity of a 5-year-old, “Will you finish coloring this?  All except for the arms and tongue.”  Then, I missed the mark and responded (albeit in a nice, but sort of snotty adult way), “That sounds like a kid job.”  Way to go, Dad.  Jerk.  The kid just needed a little help, but oh no, your adult troubles have you so wrapped up, you cannot be bothered by your child, who asked for just a little help.  How long would it take you, “Mister Oh-So-Important?”  Maybe, thirty seconds, tops.

Any who, I did not give it much thought. The kids wandered off to school.  My 5-year-old Ben scurried off with the remains of his Pop-Tart in hand and acceptance that Jabba the Puppet would need to wait until after school to be complete.

Heading back inside, I settled into work. Sitting at the laptop, trying to figure out a way forward and no apparent answers surfacing, I saw the half-finished Jabba sitting on the table, with the green marker by his side.  Grabbing the marker, I began to color.  That was the answer.  Turn my attention.  Help someone else.  The solutions will come, but not while I struggle.  The solutions will come, when I redirect.  When I redirect away from myself and help others.  Finishing up Jabba’s green makeover, I was pleased.  In a few short hours, a little boy will be pleasantly surprised.  My actions will bring a smile to his face.  The problem of the morning may still fester, but at least I helped brighten one day.

Jabba the Puppet

Jabba the Puppet…  now fully green.

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