Socks on the Move

Big news! In this morning’s edition of “Where in the world are Jacob’s socks?,” they moved about four feet from the hutch to the dining room table.  The dirty socks were replaced with a fresh pair and were enjoying breakfast with the morning newspaper and a library book.

Socks on Breakfast Table

Breaking news! In an act of bizarre brazenly barbaric behavior (the dreaded quadruple “b”), 10-year-old Jacob just took off his dirty socks and placed them next to me on the dining room table, while Jacob enjoyed his post-school yogurt snack.

Post School Snack sock appearance

Good news! After finishing his snack, Jacob placed his dirty socks back on his feet and ran off to play with the dog.  Socks-on-table crisis averted well in advance of dinner.  Only one Clorox wipe away from “good as new.”

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